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English article added to "Shibusawa Eiichi in the Eyes of his Great-Grandson"

Shibusawa Masahide (Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation president 1997-2020, later advisor), has given numerous lectures on his great-grandfather, Shibusawa Eiichi. These lectures draw on a variety of resources, including the digitized "Shibusawa Eiichi Biographical Materials," and contain rich personal stories and episodes about Shibusawa Eiichi, making them well received in various places.

On Friday, January 31, 2025, "Iwasaki Yatarō and Shibusawa Eiichi" was added to the Foundation's website. This article is an English translation of "岩崎弥太郎と渋沢栄一."

2. Iwasaki Yatarō and Shibusawa Eiichi

We encourage you to read the article and hope it will be of interest.


2. Iwasaki Yatarō and Shibusawa Eiichi


 "Iwasaki Yatarō and Shibusawa Eiichi" は2022年に公開した「岩崎弥太郎と渋沢栄一」の英訳です。ご高覧いただければ幸いです。
