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Booth at the 2017 AAS Annual Conference Toronto - Introducing the "Shibusawa Eiichi Denki Shiryo Digital Version"

Booth at the 2017 AAS Annual Conference Toronto - Introducing the "Shibusawa Eiichi Denki Shiryo Digital Version"



 The Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation will have a booth in the exhibit hall at the 2017 AAS Annual Conference (Toronto, Canada) to showcase the newly published digital version of the Shibusawa Eiichi denki shiryo (Shibusawa Eiichi Biographical Materials).

 Shibusawa Eiichi (1840-1931), an entrepreneur and leader of the modernization of Japan, was involved in the establishment or management of roughly 500 companies and financial institutions in addition to roughly 600 organizations and associations in the fields of social welfare and education. The Shibusawa Eiichi denki shiryo is a 68-volume set of materials on not only the personal achievements of Eiichi but also a variety of topics such as the economy, private-sector diplomacy, philanthropy, society, education, religion, and culture in Japan from the end of the Edo period through the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras. The digital version allows users to search the full text and view images of pages from the print edition.

 Please drop by the booth for a demonstration of the digital version, to try it out for yourself, and to ask questions of Foundation staff. We look forward to meeting you!

Shibusawa Eiichi Denki Shiryo Digital Version

https://eiichi.shibusawa.or.jp/denkishiryo/digital/main/ (Japanese only)

Booth at 2017 AAS Annual Conference Toronto

 Exhibit Hall Dates: March 17-19, 2017 (Conference Dates: March 16-19)
 Location: Exhibit Hall (Osgoode Ballrooms), Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel (Toronto, Canada)
 Booth number: #901 Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation



・2017 AAS Annual Conference Toronto http://www.asian-studies.org/Conferences/AAS-Annual-Conference-2017/Conference-Menu/Conference-Home

・Exhibit at AAS 2017 http://www.asian-studies.org/Conferences/Exhibitor-Listing#anchor901


AAS(アジア学会) 2017 年次大会(カナダ・トロント)出展 - デジタル版『渋沢栄一伝記資料』を紹介します

 渋沢栄一記念財団は、AAS(アジア学会:Association for Asian Studies) 2017 年次大会の展示会にブース出展し、デジタル版『渋沢栄一伝記資料』を紹介します。

 デジタル版『渋沢栄一伝記資料』 https://eiichi.shibusawa.or.jp/denkishiryo/digital/main/

AAS(アジア学会)2017 年次大会 展示会 出展情報

 ブースNo:#901 渋沢栄一記念財団



・AAS(アジア学会:Association for Asian Studies) 2017 年次大会 http://www.asian-studies.org/Conferences/AAS-Annual-Conference-2017/Conference-Menu/Conference-Home

・AAS 2017 年次大会 展示ブース http://www.asian-studies.org/Conferences/Exhibitor-Listing#anchor901
