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Leveraging Corporate Assets: New Global Directions for Business Archives

The first book on business archives in Japanese, Sekai no Bijinesu Akaibuzu: Kigyo Kachi no Gensen, was published in March 2012 by Nichigai Associates. It was based on the international symposium “The Value of Business Archives,” held on May 11, 2011 in Tokyo and organized by the Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation, the Section for Business and Labour Archives of the International Council on Archives, and the Business Archives Association of Japan. In addition to articles based on presentations made at the symposium, the book includes presentations made at other international events and previously-published articles. English language articles were translated into Japanese by scholars and professionals in the field.

With the goal of deepening the impact of the symposium and thereby promoting business archives worldwide, the Resource Center decided to compile an e-book specifically aimed at an English-language audience. Leveraging Corporate Assets: New Global Directions for Business Archives includes the English originals of many of the articles from the Japanese publication and a Japanese article in English translation. Indexes were also created and added to the e-book; more information on the indexes and their creation is available in the guide to the indexes.

The e-book is available in three formats from the links below: 1) a large PDF of the entire book (with table of contents, introduction, indexes, and high-resolution images), 2) a reduced PDF of the entire book (with table of contents, introduction, indexes, and low-resolution images), and 3) separate PDFs (with low-resolution images) for each chapter (plus additional PDFs for the introduction and indexes).

Last updated on November 05, 2020

Entire E-book:
  Leveraging Corporate Assets Leveraging Corporate Assets:
New Global Directions for Business Archives
Individual Chapters:
  International Symposium Introduction
Didier Bondue (Saint-Gobain Archives) &
Yuko Matsuzaki (Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation)

Part I: The Power of History Marketing

1. Henning Morgen A Broader Perspective: Supporting Today’s Communication with Historical Facts
Henning Morgen (A.P. Moller – Maersk)
2. Naomi Aoki Japanese Traditional Industries and Archives: The Case of Toraya Confectionery
Naomi Aoki (Toraya) [PDF 279KB] pdf
3. Paul Lasewicz Rooted in the Archives: The Contribution of Corporate Heritage to the IBM Brand Experience
Paul Lasewicz (IBM)

Part II: Archives and Corporate Management

4. Alexander Bieri The DNA of Corporations: A Key Enabler for Success
Alexander Bieri (F. Hoffmann-La Roche)
5. Didier Bondue Business Archives in France, a Tool Serving Management: The Saint-Gobain Case
Didier Bondue (Saint-Gobain Archives) [PDF 270KB] pdf
6. Claudia Orlando The Ansaldo Foundation: Archives, Training and Culture
Claudia Orlando (Ansaldo Foundation) [PDF 206KB] pdf

Part III: Archives: A Tool for Change

7. Becky Haglund Tousey Proud Heritage: The Importance of Legacy Stories in Post-Acquisition Integration
Becky Haglund Tousey (Kraft Foods)
8. Francesca Pino After the Mergers Wave: Change Management and the Building of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group Archives
Francesca Pino (Intesa Sanpaolo)
9. Vrunda Pathare The Shaping of History in a Corporate Setting: The Godrej Scenario
Vrunda Pathare (Godrej Group Archives) [PDF 266KB] pdf

Part IV: Business Archives and the Public Sector

10. Ashok Kapoor Reserve Bank of India Archives: A Historical Resource and Corporate Asset
Ashok Kapoor (Reserve Bank of India Archives) [PDF 152KB] pdf
11. Alex Ritchie The National Business Archives Strategy: England and Wales
Alex Ritchie (The National Archives of the United Kingdom) [PDF 166KB] pdf
12. Lan Wang The Introduction of the ‘Assets’ Concept and its Effect on Business Records Management in China
Lan Wang (State Archives Administration of China) [PDF 201KB] pdf
  Indexes Name Index  
Main Index [PDF 201KB] pdf
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Guide to the Indexes
[PDF 33KB] pdf

The authors of the various chapters of this book come from corporate archives, public-sector institutions, and non-profit organizations in nine different countries across Europe, North America, and Asia. Regardless of whether or not English is their native language, the terminology and vocabulary they use when talking about archives can vary greatly. While no attempt was made by the editorial team to impose an overall cohesiveness of language on the various chapters, there was a desire to provide a tool to tease out the similarities and differences between the chapters, to tie the book into a stronger whole while also making it a more useful and easy-to-use resource. It was from this desire that the decision to create an index was born.

In drafting the indexes, an attempt was made to strike a balance between the individual character and subject matter unique to each chapter and larger common concepts or themes shared between chapters. For example, the index contains specific terms such as “sales records” and “sample books” that are discussed only in Chapter 2 by Naomi Aoki, or environmental issues and “slow steaming” discussed only by Henning Morgen in Chapter 1. The index also, however, contains larger concepts or themes such as the value of archives and records as a resource or the provision of information or services by corporate archives.

For the most part the variety of terminology used by individual authors has been retained. Thus, although the title of the book refers to “business archives,” the general index contains listings for “company archives” and “corporate archives” in addition to that for “business archives.” To make a variety of similar terms easier to find, however, listings such as the various types of archives have been grouped together under a common heading. The heading “archives,” therefore, contains the three terms mentioned above as well as a range of other types of archives and themes related to archives. This has been done to preserve the various terms used throughout the book, but also to demonstrate the vast variety available. For example, the long listing of types of records, some of which might seem similar, has been included in full to show the sheer number of different types of records and ways in which the authors refer to and classify records.

The inclusion of the lengthy listing of the various types of value that archives and records can contribute to their parent organizations has a similar reason. For example, while the term “nostalgic value” may have only been mentioned once briefly, it has been included in the index along with all the other types of value to demonstrate the vast array of types of value and ways in which business archives are being used and corporate archives are contributing to their parent organizations around the world. The concept of the multi-faceted value of business archives was, after all, the main theme of the international symposium held in Tokyo in May 2011, at which the majority of the chapters in this book were presented.

There are, however, instances where similar ideas and terms have been amalgamated for clarity and to demonstrate the continuity in ideas between the different chapters. For example, although none of the chapters contain the specific term “value added,” it is listed in the index with six mentions in the text. Checking the text reveals discussions of “added value,” “adding value,” “added benefit,” and “enhanced value.”

Certain common themes and concepts found in the index were recognized by participants, organizers, and attendees at the Tokyo symposium. In particular, the historical value of corporate archives or the connection between archives and corporate values, were recognized as ideas that were found in multiple presentations or throughout the presentations as a whole. There were other shared concepts, however, that only became evident in the course of preparing the indexes, long after the symposium itself. The common theme of a discussion of the role of past, retired, or retiring employees in the creation or maintenance of corporate archives and records, for example, was realized as the index took shape.

Thus it is the hope of the editorial and index team that not only will the indexes make it easier for readers to find specific topics, individuals, companies, or other information within the book, but that a look through the general index will provide readers with an idea of some of the issues and concepts important to business archives around the world today.

February 2013

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